Tag: small business

If you’re running a business, you’re in the business of customer service and sales, no matter which way you slice and dice it. Now, in a perfect world, we’d never have to seek to build new business because every client would be over the moon in love with every single word you type and every…

Do yourself a favor and find your posse. Strength is often times found in quality, not necessarily quantity. I own Brainchild Studios, a virtual digital content marketing and website creation agency. Since we work virtually, daily appearance is literally one of the very last things that we need to worry about, allowing our team members…

Everyone in digital marketing knows it by now: content is the secret ingredient to increasing your brand’s leads, SEO rankings, and overall traffic. So, let’s get into the nitty-gritty. What is original content? And how do you even produce it? Let’s chat. What Is Original Content? Imaginuity, an integrated marketing company, has a great definition…

When you run your own business, there are a lot of balls to juggle, all of which you likely want to keep in the air. …and it’s never fun when balls are dropped. If you’re running your own business, you probably have the following balls you’re trying to keep up in the air: Business Development:…