Helping women small business owners build the lives they want.

Oh hey there.

I’m Kiley. My friends and my team call me KP. You can call me that too, if you’d like.

Some call me a keynote speaker, serial entrepreneur and small business strategist. Others call me a digital content marketer. A number of badass ladies call me their coach. I have a lot of titles, so feel free to pick whichever one resonates best with you.

My mission is to help women small business owners build the lives they want for themselves by leveraging their businesses to do so. If that sounds intriguing to you, I hope you enjoy my musings throughout this site. If you’d like to chat about working together or partnering, I’m down!


After being a business owner for the better part of a decade, running three businesses, selling millions of dollars, and managing dozens of team members, crashing and burning and rebuilding, I have a few things I could chat about and a few nuggets to share.

If you’re interested in booking me to speak, here’s a sneak peek at what you could expect!


I help executive women fast-track the launch of their coaching or consulting business so they can have greater flexibility, autonomy, and ownership of their lives at RAYNE IX.

Wanna chat? Sounds lovely, let’s get some time on the calendar!


What is Eloma?

Eloma is a space for visionaries, entrepreneurs, and business owners to become better leaders, people, and pioneers. The word “eloma” means action-oriented, pioneer, natural leader, independent, strong-willed, positive, energetic, enterprising, enthusiastic, brave, and innovative.

In short, Eloma is a space for highly ambitious dreamers who get shit done.

Is that you? Join us.